Are you gearing up for Bike to Wherever Days 2021?
Bicycling has had a huge surge in popularity during the pandemic, and that continues even as things begin to open up and people get vaccinated. Our celebration of all things cycling will take place during the entire month of May, when we encourage you to get out and pedal to -- well, to wherever! Running errands? Ride your bike! Meeting friends in the park? Pedal over. Taking the kids to school (for the first time in forever)? Load them up and cycle over. Wherever you need to go during May, make the decision to ride your bike instead of use your car whenever possible. Join us for Bike to Wherever Days in May!
In addition, some counties are singling out one day to get as many people out on bikes as possible -- Friday, May 21, which we are calling Bike to Wherever Day.
To learn more about Bike Month, Bike to Wherever Days and Bike to Wherever Day activities, check your local bike coalition website by clicking on their logo in the righthand column.
And we won't be alone in our efforts. Across the country, the League of American Cyclists will also be promoting May as National Bike Month, as well as Bike to Work Week (May 17-23) and Bike to Work Day on May 21 (for all those folks heading back to or continuing in their offices). You can learn more about their efforts here.
Need some inspiration? Read about all the good things that come from cycling from Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition's Tim Oey.
We look forward to seeing you out on two wheels all through the month of May—and beyond!