Calling all Bay Area Bike Commuters!

Come share your thoughts on why you bike!

You are invited to submit an informal video testimonial telling us why you bike commute -- and we'll use it on social media!

Help us encourage others to start or keep pedaling! To create your video, follow these simple guidelines/questions:

Video Parameters

Photo Copyright Noah Berger

● The video should only be 15-30 seconds long

● You can use your mobile device to shoot your video

● You do not need to be on or near your bike while taking the video

● Ensure that the lighting is good and that there is minimal sound around you

What to say in your video

● Introduce yourself (first name only is fine)

● Tell us how long have you been biking

● Do you use your own personal bike? Bike Share? Other?

● Why do you bike? What inspires you to get out and do it? (such as enjoying Bay Area, improving  health/exercise, being part of community, faster, more economical/sustainable travel mode)

Please submit your video by midnight Friday, April 19 to​ ​and ​with “BTWD video testimonial” as the subject line.

Then later this month, watch Facebook: ​@biketoworkday​, Instagram: ​@biketoworkday_bayarea​, and Twitter: @BikeToWorkSFBay​ to check out the campaign!

Woman waving as she bikes

Photo Copyright Noah Berger

Please note: A selection of images and quotes might be chosen for use, and not all images or quotes can  be guaranteed for placement in this campaign.


Congratulations to the 2018 Bike Commuters of the Year!


Get ready for BTWD 2019 in your county!