Calling all Bay Area Bike Commuters!
Come share your thoughts on why you bike!
You are invited to submit an informal video testimonial telling us why you bike commute -- and we'll use it on social media!
Help us encourage others to start or keep pedaling! To create your video, follow these simple guidelines/questions:
Video Parameters
Photo Copyright Noah Berger
● The video should only be 15-30 seconds long
● You can use your mobile device to shoot your video
● You do not need to be on or near your bike while taking the video
● Ensure that the lighting is good and that there is minimal sound around you
What to say in your video
● Introduce yourself (first name only is fine)
● Tell us how long have you been biking
● Do you use your own personal bike? Bike Share? Other?
● Why do you bike? What inspires you to get out and do it? (such as enjoying Bay Area, improving health/exercise, being part of community, faster, more economical/sustainable travel mode)
Please submit your video by midnight Friday, April 19 to and with “BTWD video testimonial” as the subject line.
Then later this month, watch Facebook: @biketoworkday, Instagram: @biketoworkday_bayarea, and Twitter: @BikeToWorkSFBay to check out the campaign!
Photo Copyright Noah Berger
Please note: A selection of images and quotes might be chosen for use, and not all images or quotes can be guaranteed for placement in this campaign.