The Bay Area Bike Challenge starts tomorrow!

If you haven't already signed up, it's not too late to join in the fun of the month-long Bay Area Bike Challenge! All you have to do is sign up, get some friends, colleagues or family members to join you, and start pedaling to work, school, errands -- wherever two wheels can take you!

Know people who don't ride but who encourage you to do so? They can contribute to the Challenge by being an "encourager" for you!

Simply click here to learn all about the Challenge and how to participate.

Then get out there and start racking up those miles for virtual prizes, bragging rights, and to just have fun.

The Challenge runs May 1-31 -- coinciding with National Bike Month. Winning teams will be announced in early June.

And if the Challenge is too much for you, we hope you will join us on Thursday, May 9 -- the Bay Area's 25th annual Bike to Work Day! Don't miss the chance to win a trip to Alaska's Kenai Peninsula or one of 500 roundtrip tickets offered by Alaska Airlines (one of BTWD's presenting sponsors) when you make the pledge to ride on BTWD 2019!


Light Rain Doesn’t Dampen Bay Area Bike to Work Day 2019 Enthusiasm


Congratulations to the 2018 Bike Commuters of the Year!